Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Great Indian Elephant Cull

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culling ):

"Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. This is done in order to either reinforce certain desirable characteristics or to remove certain undesirable characteristics from the group. For livestock and wildlife, the process of culling usually implies the killing of animals with undesirable characteristics."

If the above definition of 'Culling' is to be followed then I am afraid 'ELEPHANT CULLING' is already in full swing slowly but steadily all over India.
Yes, one may argue that and brush it aside as 'stray incidents' of 'human elephant conflict' or 'poaching' since the official announcement of 'Elephant Culling' has not been declared by the Indian Government.
But hang on, is the Indian Government taking any actions on the growing incidents of 'brutal massacres' of the Jumbos?
On papers, Yes perhaps.
In reality a simple 'NO".
They just do not have the 'WILLPOWER' to save/ protect this mammal from being eliminated in this Country.

Political pressure from various corners seems to be only working in favour of the 'Humans' here.
More and more people are pumped inside protected wildlife habitats to convert jungles into paddy fields.
A Local MLA goes full blast spraying bullets from AK-47 on a wild herd in Assam and goes on record in the media for what he does.
The same MLA is later arrested for flouting more wildlife laws only to be out fished out by his lawyers scratch free.
Same goes with the BIGGEST terrorist in Wildlife Crime, Sansar Chand who has recently been granted BAIL by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
Wonder what he is planning next?
Cement factories and Stone quarries are welcomed in many parts of the Country inside protected areas and even elephant corridors.
Trains are crushing herds into pieces of meat. Yes meat because now its not the animal carcass that the forest department recovers from the site of any so called 'conflict death', instead there have been many reported incidents of people feasting on the kill of the elephants after bringing it down.
In fact in a recent incident where an elephant accidental consumed 'urea' and fell unconscious, a section of the public went on to cut its ear and chop off its tail before the elephant regained conciousness.
High tension live electric cables are laid in a very organised manner and this trend is ON for quite many years.
And in the Northeast of India you have another unique issue.
The issue of insurgency, militancy and terrorism which is driving the Government nuts.
They are entering into dialogues after dialogues with these groups some of whom are under a 'ceasefire' but with the condition of allowing them the liberty to remain in the jungles till the talks are over.
Now, what they do inside the jungles is anybody's guess.

So the 1st BIG question that one may ask is that:
Is there space for elephants in India?
And the answer is NO.
Then in that case what should the Government do in order to protect the citizens from the elephants, and cut down their population?
If the Government allowed the 'Culling' of elephants it will face an ARMY of wildlife respecting people who will go all the way to oppose the same, also considering the Wildlife Protection Act, it may not be easy to get that done.
The next best and simple option is to just sit and watch.

Now the 2nd BIG question that I would ask is that:
Do we wait for the official word on 'Elephant Culling' from the Government's mouth and we take action, or is it time to pick up the many 'stray incidents' of elephant massacres and murders across the nation and DEMAND ACTION NOW?

We certainly are not waiting for the last Tiger in the Wild to vanish before the focus shifts into the Jumbos, or are we?

Azam Siddiqui

CULL UPDATES (check weblinks below):

Wild jumbo perishes at Bhutiachang tea estate

Elephant electrocuted in Udalguri district, again